Book Launch: "Graveyard Empire: Four Decades of Wars and Intervention in Afghanistan"

April 16, -
Speaker(s): Emran Feroz
The event will be held in-person and can also be followed online.

Feroz will be reading passages from the English publication of his book "Graveyard Empire: Four Decades of Wars and Intervention in Afghanistan" in April 2024 (publisher: Interlink Books).

Emran Feroz is a journalist, author, and the founder of Drone Memorial - a virtual memorial for civilian drone strike victims. His work has appeared in Foreign Policy, The New York Times, Der Spiegel, The Columbia Journalism Review and many other publications. His book "Graveyard Empire" was first published in German under the title "Der längste Krieg 20 Jahre War on Terror" with Westend Verlag.

The reading will be followed by a conversation with the author and Q&A session. There will be a reception afterwards.

Convenor: Paniz Musawi Natanzi (Postdoctoral Associate, DUMESC)

Duke University Middle East Studies Center


Asian American and Diaspora Studies; Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI); History; International Comparative Studies (ICS)