Dinesh Kumar, B.A. 2006

Attorney, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

2006 Major: History and Psychology

How has being a History graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"I am an attorney at the FDA. My time as a history student at Duke has helped in immeasurable ways. I focused on history of science and medicine, and in my professional career I was attracted to a part of the federal government that is vital to the history of medicine in this country and the nation’s response to public health crises. It also made me appreciate the virtues of interdisciplinary work - and I now work every day with people with backgrounds in law, policy, medicine, pharmacy, and chemistry."

What advice would you give students in Duke's History programs? 

"If it doesn’t seem quite apparent how your history education is helping your future, stick with it and realize that it will only be some clearer later. I would encourage participating in a history honors thesis, which was my first experience with leading a long-term project and required intense research and time management - all of which will be helpful in the future."

Dinesh Kumar