The Inequality Studies minor is a joint collaboration between the Samuel DuBois Cook Center and the Department of History. The minor is a way for students to advance their understanding of the causes and consequences of inequality and pursue research around issues of social equity across a range of social science methods. The minor can be completed independent of or alongside a major in History, and inequality studies minors come from across departments in both the sciences and humanities.
Requirements: 6 courses
Core Courses
- HISTORY 288: History of Inequality
- HISTORY 323: How to Study Inequality
- PUBPOL 435/645: Global Inequality Research Initiative
- History Gateway course, typically listed between 160 – 180 with inequality themes
- History course at the 200-level or above with inequality themes
- History course at the 300-level or above with inequality themes
A full list of History courses that count towards the minor are listed here.
Requests for additional courses to go on this list should go to the History DUS and the Director of the Minor.
Additional Information
- For History majors who want to minor in Inequality Studies, three minor electives are allowed to overlap with the requirements for the major.
- Courses taken pass/fail and AP credits do not count toward the minor.
- Questions? Email the Director of the Inequality Studies Minor, Adam Hollowell.
- Courses from other departments with explicit attention to inequality, such as Sociology 211 (“Social Inequality”), may be counted for the minor with the approval of the History DUS.
Director of Inequality Studies Minor
Adam Hollowell
Senior Research Associate, Samuel DuBois Cook Center
(919) 613-1465
Director of Undergraduate Studies, History
James Chappel
Gilhuly Family Associate Professor
(919) 684-3014