Africa & the Middle East Number Title Codes HISTORY 89S First-Year Seminar HISTORY 102 Introduction to Modern African History R, CZ HISTORY 127FS Globalization and Corporate Citizenship EI, SS HISTORY 129 Introduction to African Studies (DS3 or DS4) CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 135 Silk Roads and China, Ancient and Medieval Transformations CCI, CZ HISTORY 187S Political Culture in Africa CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 190S Special Topics in History HISTORY 193S Islam, Art, and Society CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 208S South African Past and Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 210 Islamic Civilization I CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 211 Islamic Civilization II CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 212 The Turks: From Ottoman Empire to European Union CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 214 The Modern Middle East CCI, CZ HISTORY 225S Muslim Women Across the Ages CCI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 239FS Turkey: Muslim and Modern CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 239S Turkey: Muslim and Modern CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 248 History and Culture of Iran CCI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 251 Jewish History, 1492 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 259S Contemporary South Africa CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 265S Religion and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Iran CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 283S Turkish History through the Novels of Orhan Pamuk CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 296S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 315S The Emergence of the Atlantic Basin CCI, CZ HISTORY 316S The Atlantic Slave Trade CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 327 Afro-Brazilian Culture and History CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 331S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 359 Violent Jihad in the Twentieth Century - A Global History CCI, CZ HISTORY 372 France and Africa: The Politics and Culture of (Post-)Coloniality CCI, CZ HISTORY 378SA Politics and Culture Between Europe and the Middle East CCI, CZ HISTORY 383 Engineering the Global Middle East CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 386S Apartheid South Africa and Struggles for Democracy CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 393 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 397S Istanbul: Religion, Politics and Cosmopolitanism CCI, CZ HISTORY 416S The Geopolitics of Islamophobia from Bosnia to Xinjiang CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 450S South African Life Histories CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 490S Seminars in Special Topics HISTORY 561S Global Africa CCI, EI, SS HISTORY 780S Teaching Race, Teaching Gender Asia Number Title Codes HISTORY 89S First-Year Seminar HISTORY 135 Silk Roads and China, Ancient and Medieval Transformations CCI, CZ HISTORY 162S Gateway Seminar: Asia in Global History CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 191L Independent Study: Digital India Lab HISTORY 209S Islam in Asia CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 210 Islamic Civilization I CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 211 Islamic Civilization II CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 216S Between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi: Narratives of Europe and Asia CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 218 Modern & Global India CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 219S Indian Civilization CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 220 China from Antiquity to 1400 CCI, CZ HISTORY 223 Survey of Modern China 1800-Present CCI, CZ HISTORY 225S Muslim Women Across the Ages CCI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 226 Ancient and Early Modern Japan CCI, CZ HISTORY 227 The Emergence of Modern Japan CCI, CZ HISTORY 228 Chinatowns: A Cultural History CCI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 229S Asian American Community History CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 239 History of Chinese Medicine CCI, STS, W, CZ HISTORY 298S Global South Asia: History and Culture of Diaspora CCI, CZ HISTORY 331S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 333S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 384 The People's Republic of China, 1949-Present CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 393 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 416S The Geopolitics of Islamophobia from Bosnia to Xinjiang CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 448S Archiving and Visualizing Asia: Politics and Poetics of Knowledge Production CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 454S Capstone Seminar - Globalization: Asia and Asian America CCI, R, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 473 Two Koreas: History, Society and Culture CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 490S Seminars in Special Topics HISTORY 512S Travel Japan CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 514S Culture and Environment in Modern Chinese History CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 530S Camera Asia CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ Europe & Russia Number Title Codes HISTORY 89S First-Year Seminar HISTORY 113 Introduction to the History of Medicine STS, CZ HISTORY 114 Intro to the History of Modern Warfare EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 117 Renaissance & Revolution: Religion, Science, and Politics in Europe, 1400-1800 CCI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 135 Silk Roads and China, Ancient and Medieval Transformations CCI, CZ HISTORY 138 From Stalin to Putin: The Art of Dictatorship CCI, CZ HISTORY 140S Empires in Modern European History CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 164S Gateway Seminar - Antisemitism: Ethnicity, Race, Religion, Culture CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 166S Gateway Seminar - Anarchism and its Discontents CCI, EI, R, CZ HISTORY 179S Gateway Seminar: Capitalism & Its Critics EI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 186S Gateway Seminar: Living Through the Great War CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 190S Special Topics in History HISTORY 212 The Turks: From Ottoman Empire to European Union CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 216S Between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi: Narratives of Europe and Asia CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 230 Greek History CCI, CZ HISTORY 231 Ancient Athletics CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 233 Roman History CCI, CZ HISTORY 234 Democracy: Ancient and Modern CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 236 Ancient Science and Technology STS, CZ HISTORY 237 Russia in the World: From Cold War to Putin's Wars CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 238A Rome: History of the City CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 239FS Turkey: Muslim and Modern CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 240 Ancient Roman Law CCI, CZ HISTORY 241 The Age of Nero: History, Art, and Literature CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 244 From History to Fantasy: Medieval Religions in Film & Fiction CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 250 Green Germany: World Leader in Environmental Policy CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 251 Jewish History, 1492 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 253 Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 254 Europe in the Middle Ages: Rome to Renaissance CCI, CZ HISTORY 255 German History Through Film EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 256 The Viking Age CCI, EI, ALP HISTORY 256S The Viking Age CCI, EI, ALP HISTORY 257 Religion, Reform, and Violence in Early Modern Europe CCI, CZ HISTORY 258S Women and Power in the Renaissance EI, W, CZ HISTORY 260 Magic, Religion, and Science since 1400 CCI, EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 260D Magic, Religion, and Science since 1400 CCI, EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 261 Germany Confronts Nazism and the Holocaust CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 263 The Political History of Modern Architecture: From Revolution through Neoliberalism CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 268SA Berlin Film City: Movies in the Metropolis CCI, ALP HISTORY 269 Tudor/Stuart Britain R, W, CZ HISTORY 275 The Russian Empire CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 276 From Tsars to Commissars: Russian Cultural History CZ HISTORY 277 Tolstoy and the Russian Experience CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 278S Nationalism and Exile CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 279 The Foundations of Modern Terrorism CCI, CZ HISTORY 282 End of Russian Socialism: History of Perestroika CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 283S Turkish History through the Novels of Orhan Pamuk CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 286 Europe in the Twentieth Century CCI, CZ HISTORY 287 History of the World Wars EI, R, STS, CZ HISTORY 290 Special Topics in History HISTORY 297 The Holocaust CCI, EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 307 History of Economic Thought CCI, R, W, SS HISTORY 308S The Economics and Philosophy of Adam Smith STS, SS HISTORY 309S The History of Modern Macroeconomics from Keynes to the Present W, SS HISTORY 331S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 333S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 345 North American Environmental History EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 353 Social Movements and Social Problems in Contemporary Spain CCI, EI, FL, SS HISTORY 353A Social Movements and Social Problems in Contemporary Spain CCI, EI, FL, SS HISTORY 365 Inventing Sickness: The Science and Practice of Medicine in Ancient Greece EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 365D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 372 France and Africa: The Politics and Culture of (Post-)Coloniality CCI, CZ HISTORY 378SA Politics and Culture Between Europe and the Middle East CCI, CZ HISTORY 388S The Scientific Revolution STS, W, CZ HISTORY 393 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 394 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 405 What Machiavelli Really Says EI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 406 Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures, and Environments R, STS, ALP, CZ HISTORY 407 Soviet and Post-Soviet Economic History CCI, W, CZ HISTORY 407D Soviet and Post-Soviet Economic History CCI, W, CZ HISTORY 411S Historicizing Whiteness CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 413 Ancient Athenian Law CCI, CZ HISTORY 452S World War I and the History of Art & Architecture: Germany and Beyond CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 468S Capstone Seminar: Literature & Terrorism CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 472S Capstone Seminar: Russia in World War II CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 490 Special Topics in History HISTORY 490S Seminars in Special Topics HISTORY 526S Columbus: A Global History CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 538 The Roman Empire CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 539S Roman History from Augustus through Late Antiquity CCI, CZ Global & Comparative History Number Title Codes HISTORY 101 Introduction to Global History CCI, W, CZ HISTORY 105 Old Worlds/New Histories, 500-1500 CE CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 106 Science and the Modern World: Introduction to the History of Science CCI, STS, CZ HISTORY 112 Sexual Pleasure in the Modern World CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 116 Introduction to Human Rights: Gateway for the Human Rights Certificate CCI, EI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 124 History of the Present CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 127FS Globalization and Corporate Citizenship EI, SS HISTORY 135 Silk Roads and China, Ancient and Medieval Transformations CCI, CZ HISTORY 157S Gateway Seminar: Empires in Historical Perspective CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 159S Gateway Seminar: What Did Your Grandparents Do? A Global Exploration of Individual Life Histories CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 160S Gateway Seminar: The Global Sixties: Race, Revolution, Sexuality CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ HISTORY 162S Gateway Seminar: Asia in Global History CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 171S Gateway Seminar: History of Intimacy: Family, Friendship, Romance CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 185S Gateway Seminar: Disease in the Premodern World CCI, CZ HISTORY 188S Gateway Seminar: The Price of Sex: Gender and the Global Political Economy EI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 190S Special Topics in History HISTORY 196S Imagining Human Rights: Science Fiction, Culture, and the Creation of Rights CCI, EI, W, ALP HISTORY 201 Globalization and History CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 202 Gender and Socialism CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 215S Shamanism and Spirit Possession CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 216S Between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi: Narratives of Europe and Asia CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 218 Modern & Global India CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 234 Democracy: Ancient and Modern CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 235 Drugs, Chemicals, and Health: Histories of Substances in Economies, Environments, and Bodies CCI, R, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 238S History of Political Nonviolence CCI, CZ HISTORY 243S Cross-Cultural Encounters CCI, CZ HISTORY 249 Transnational Feminism CCI, EI, R, SS HISTORY 250 Green Germany: World Leader in Environmental Policy CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 267S Global Cold War CCI, EI, W, CZ HISTORY 272 Genocide and Human Rights CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 279 The Foundations of Modern Terrorism CCI, CZ HISTORY 280S Masculinities & Global Politics CCI, W, SS HISTORY 287 History of the World Wars EI, R, STS, CZ HISTORY 288 History of Inequality CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 289S Decolonization: Histories, Meanings, Struggles CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 290 Special Topics in History HISTORY 296S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 298S Global South Asia: History and Culture of Diaspora CCI, CZ HISTORY 305 History of International Financial and Monetary Crises EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 315S The Emergence of the Atlantic Basin CCI, CZ HISTORY 322 Statecraft and Strategy CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 323 How to Study Inequality SS HISTORY 326 Colonial Latin America CCI, CZ HISTORY 327 Afro-Brazilian Culture and History CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 328 Global Brazil CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 331S Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 333S Social Engineering and Social Movements in Eastern Europe and Asia CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 352 Immigrant Dreams, U.S. Realities: Immigration Policy History CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 365D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 371 Feast and Famine: Food in Global History CCI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 372 France and Africa: The Politics and Culture of (Post-)Coloniality CCI, CZ HISTORY 375 The United States and the World, 1898 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 378SA Politics and Culture Between Europe and the Middle East CCI, CZ HISTORY 380S Islamic Mysticism CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 383 Engineering the Global Middle East CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 410S History of Death EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 411S Historicizing Whiteness CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 416S The Geopolitics of Islamophobia from Bosnia to Xinjiang CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 431S History of Acting CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ HISTORY 454S Capstone Seminar - Globalization: Asia and Asian America CCI, R, STS, CZ, SS HISTORY 464S Capstone Seminar: Geopolitics of War and Empire in the Modern World R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 469S Capstone Seminar: Islamic Law In History CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 472S Capstone Seminar: Russia in World War II CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 501S History of Sexuality CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 526S Columbus: A Global History CCI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 548S Global History of Medicine CCI, EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 553S Urban Histories in Global, Comparative, and Historical Perspective CCI, CZ HISTORY 561S Global Africa CCI, EI, SS HISTORY 577S Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Science STS, CZ Latin America & the Caribbean Number Title Codes HISTORY 89S First-Year Seminar HISTORY 121 Introduction to Contemporary Latin America CCI, CZ HISTORY 190S Special Topics in History HISTORY 242S Human Rights in the Americas CCI, W, CZ HISTORY 264 Latin American Wars of Independence CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 309 Alexander Hamilton and His World CCI, CZ HISTORY 315S The Emergence of the Atlantic Basin CCI, CZ HISTORY 316S The Atlantic Slave Trade CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 318 The Caribbean, 1492-1700 CCI, CZ HISTORY 319 War, Slavery, and Revolution in the Caribbean, 1700-1800 CCI, CZ HISTORY 324 History of Mexico CCI, CZ HISTORY 326 Colonial Latin America CCI, CZ HISTORY 327 Afro-Brazilian Culture and History CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 328 Global Brazil CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 329 Latin America Since Independence CCI, CZ HISTORY 370 Aztecs and Mayans CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 393 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 394 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 457S Capstone Seminar: Maroon Societies in America CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 471S Capstone Seminar: Latin American Left Turns: A New Politics for the 21st Century? CCI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 490S Seminars in Special Topics HISTORY 526S Columbus: A Global History CCI, R, W, CZ United States & Canada Number Title Codes HISTORY 89S First-Year Seminar HISTORY 108 History of Rock: Rhythm & Blues and Rock & Roll to Indie Rock and Hip-Hop ALP, CZ HISTORY 114 Intro to the History of Modern Warfare EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 120 History of American Democracy CCI, CZ HISTORY 122 History of Latinxs in the United States CCI, CZ, SS HISTORY 124 History of the Present CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 126S Introduction to Oral History R, CZ HISTORY 127FS Globalization and Corporate Citizenship EI, SS HISTORY 130D American Dreams and American Realities CCI, CZ HISTORY 143S Gateway Seminar: The History of the U.S. South CCI, R, W, SS HISTORY 156S Gateway Seminar: Cold War America EI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 166S Gateway Seminar - Anarchism and its Discontents CCI, EI, R, CZ HISTORY 175S Gateway Seminar - The United States and the World CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 177S Gateway Seminar: The Meaning of Freedom in American History R, W, CZ HISTORY 179S Gateway Seminar: Capitalism & Its Critics EI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 182S The Law in Slavery and Freedom CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ HISTORY 183S Gateway Seminar: Civil Rights and Asian Americans CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 189S Gateway Seminar: Slavery and Its Afterlives EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 190S Special Topics in History HISTORY 198 Introduction to Asian American History CCI, CZ HISTORY 221 Food, Farming, and Feminism CCI, EI, SS HISTORY 228 Chinatowns: A Cultural History CCI, R, ALP, CZ HISTORY 232 Women and the Political Process R, SS HISTORY 245 Race in the 20th Century U.S. CCI, SS HISTORY 248S Book Publishing & Marketing: A Case Study of the Romance Fiction Industry CCI, W, ALP, CZ HISTORY 251 Jewish History, 1492 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 263 The Political History of Modern Architecture: From Revolution through Neoliberalism CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 279 The Foundations of Modern Terrorism CCI, CZ HISTORY 284 Life Within Capitalism: A History of its Values, Measures and Struggles EI, CZ HISTORY 287 History of the World Wars EI, R, STS, CZ HISTORY 296S Race and Society: South Africa and the US, 1890-present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 309 Alexander Hamilton and His World CCI, CZ HISTORY 309S The History of Modern Macroeconomics from Keynes to the Present W, SS HISTORY 311S Men, Women, and Sports: Topics in US Sports History CCI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 316S The Atlantic Slave Trade CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 332S Theorizing Liberation: From Black Power to the Age of Trump CCI, CZ HISTORY 340 The Civil War and Reconstruction: The United States, 1850-1880 CZ, SS HISTORY 342 The Making of Modern America: The United States from 1898 to 1945 CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 344 History of U.S. Social Movements CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 345 North American Environmental History EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 347 African Americans Since the Civil War CCI, EI, CZ HISTORY 348 The Civil Rights Movement CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 350S The Connection between Human Rights, Memory and How Societies Create Memorials EI, ALP HISTORY 351S Islam in the Americas CCI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 352 Immigrant Dreams, U.S. Realities: Immigration Policy History CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 354 Native American Women in History, Society, and Art CCI, CZ HISTORY 355 American Indian History to 1815 CCI, CZ HISTORY 357 The Insurgent South: Movements for Social Change CZ, SS HISTORY 357S The Insurgent South: Movements for Social Change CZ, SS HISTORY 358 The South in Black and White CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 358S The South in Black and White CCI, ALP, CZ HISTORY 360S Writing American Politics EI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 362 United States Political History, 1900 to the Present CZ, SS HISTORY 363 History of Capitalism in the United States EI, W, SS HISTORY 365D The Modern Regulatory State EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 366S Latinx Social Movements CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 369 History of Public Health in America R, STS, CZ HISTORY 373 American Indian History Since 1806 CCI, CZ HISTORY 374 Women, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. History CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 374D Women, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. History CCI, EI, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 375 The United States and the World, 1898 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 381S Veterans Oral History Project CCI, SS HISTORY 382S Digital Durham R, STS, W, ALP HISTORY 385S White People: In Anthropological Perspective CCI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 389S Family Rights/Human Rights CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 393 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 394 Research Independent Study R HISTORY 396S Racial Justice in the 20th Century US and South Africa CCI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 410S History of Death EI, STS, CZ HISTORY 411S Historicizing Whiteness CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS HISTORY 470S Capstone Seminar: Leadership in American History EI, R, CZ HISTORY 476S Capstone Seminar: American Militarism EI, R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 482S Capstone Seminar: Post-Civil Rights America: The Search for Social Justice, 1968-Present EI, R, W, CZ HISTORY 490S Seminars in Special Topics HISTORY 513S Race, Class, and Gender in the University CCI, EI, CZ, SS HISTORY 517S The Latinx South: Immigration, Race, and the Nuevo South CCI, R, CZ HISTORY 567S American Grand Strategy R, W, CZ, SS HISTORY 780S Teaching Race, Teaching Gender