Jason Garber, B.A. 1991

Neurological Surgeon, Partner, Las Vegas Neurosurgical and Institute

1991 Major: History and Classical Studies

How has being a History graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"Being a history graduate from Duke University helped shape my appreciation for the diversity of cultures throughout the world. Furthermore, it has provided me a global perspective to appreciate other peoples’ values and beliefs."

What advice would you give students in Duke's History programs? 

"The department of history at Duke University is unparalleled in providing students a wealth of exposure to national and international events. The history seminars I had with Dean Wilson, left me with a lifelong interest in the pursuit of historical and cultural learning. My degree in history from Duke University coupled with my interest in science and medicine, provided me an excellent foundation for care and treatment of my neurosurgical patients. It is also important to note that individuals can major in history, and pursue careers in other fields such as science and medicine."

Jason Garber