Jennifer Morey Caldwell, B.A. 1991

Attorney & Mediator – Fort Worth, TX

1991 Major: History and Political Science

How has being a History graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"The depth and breadth of knowledge gained from my History studies has defined all the adventures of my life. Knowing a bit and being curious to learn more. In law school, I found that my Duke history lessons and writing practice made law school quite straightforward and enjoyable (Tulane 94). Buy over the course of my career, my base knowledge of history and the willingness to continue to learn has aided my entire career and personal life. I can connect with people from all over the world because I can recall some nugget of history that opens a discussion. My travels are generally guided by my appreciation of history, from Machu Picchu to Montenegro, to Easter Island to England."

What advice would you give students in Duke's History programs? 

"Study the subjects that fascinate you and take some classes in areas where you know nothing. I took a Japanese History class going in depth during the Tokugawa period. That was over 30 years ago and I loved every minute of that class. Don’t worry too much about what a history degree will do for you. Think instead of how studying history helps you to be a student for life and a better version of yourself."

Jennifer Morey Caldwell