Nathaniel Pieper, B.A. 1991

Senior Vice President, Alaska Airlines, Fleet, Finance and Alliances & Treasurer

1991 Major: History

How has being a History graduate from Duke helped shape you personally and/or professionally?

"Studying history at Duke gave me an opportunity to dig deep into situations in the past, assess outcomes, and glean lessons that could be applied in the future. This broad perspective has helped me in my aviation career, which has been a mix of team leadership, strategy, finance, and commercial roles."

What advice would you give students in Duke's History programs? 

"Be curious. Study leadership -- why did historical leaders do what they did in the circumstances they faced? Were they creative? Inspiring? Conservative? Rational? Unconventional? All can be appropriate tactics depending on circumstances, and applicable to situations one might face in the future. I was talking yesterday with a colleague about a business situation we are facing, and discussing the merits of creative, perhaps unconventional ways to attack our issue. I pulled out a reference to Hannibal taking his army and his trove of elephants across the Alps to attack Rome. That never happens without my Duke history experience!"

Nathaniel Pieper