Shannon Adams, B.A. 2016

Student — Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University

2016 Major: History and Global Health

How has being a History graduate from Duke helped shape your professional success?

"My studies in History focused on medicine, science, and technology. This was a perfect complement for my Global Health major, and directly facilitated my pursuit of medicine. Whether I was learning about the evolution of food, madness and the field of psychiatry, or the history of health and healing in Africa, I was constantly captivated by the material presented to me in the classroom. In studying History, I was afforded the privilege of reading texts from the past, and sorting through them to recreate an understanding of the present. My advisor Dr. Margaret Humphreys became both a mentor and a confidant, helping to guide me through the medical school admissions process."

What advice would you give students in History?

"The History department is incredibly diverse, so you should take advantage of it — above and beyond your concentration. One of the hardest, most interesting courses I took at Duke was Intro to Contemporary Latin American Studies, alongside many bilingual international students born and raised in the countries we were studying. I realized quickly how limited my knowledge was, but rather than become embarrassed, I decided to fully embrace learning from my classmates. As we discussed the Mexican government, a girl from Mexico City would chime in with her thoughts on the matter, echoed by the thoughts of students from Argentina and Brazil. We discussed culture, music, food, politics, and I absolutely loved coming to class everyday."

Shannon Adams