2019 Major: History and Spanish; certificate in Jewish Studies
"It has shaped my personal and professional career, as I transitioned directly from my undergraduate history experience to a History PhD program! Duke planted the seeds for my interests in historical memory and human rights, as well as the liberty to study what I wanted to study, and that has propelled me to work on my dissertation. My Duke advisor, Dr. Jocelyn Olcott, always encouraged me to pursue my passions, leading to an honors thesis with distinction that discussed the evolution of the historical memory landscape in Spain since the Spanish Civil War. This project has served fruitful in various publications and conference presentations in my graduate career! I also learned strong writing and oral communication skills that have supported my work as a scholar."
"Go travel for your research! Duke has so many wonderful resources to support scholars at all levels, so take the leap and visit various archives and understand the place and space dynamics of the places / themes you study."