Triangle Intellectual History Seminar Series

TIHS: 2023 Charles Capper Fellows

Sunday, April 7, -
Speaker(s): Oskar Czendze; Lisa Kinspergher; Yusuf Enes Sezgin; Michael Veldman

Every year, the TIHS ends with a discussion and celebration of the work of our Charles Capper Fellows in Intellectual History. Join us as we hear short presentations from this year’s magnificent crop of fellows.  They are:

Oskar Czendze:  "On the Streets: Regionalism and the Early Immigrant Experience in New York’s Lower East Side, 1890-1914.“ 
Lisa Kinspergher:  "The Evolution of Equilibrium in Political Theory"
Yusuf Enes Sezgin:  "Challenging Structural Evils and Social Idols: A Reinterpretation of Sin and Idolatry in the Theologies of Gustavo Gutiérrez and Ali Shariati"
Michael Veldman:  "Mathematizing Metaphysics: The Case of the Principle of Least Action"


History Department


NCSU Dept. of History; Wake Forest University Office of the Provost; UNC Carolina Seminars; John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute; Duke Center for Jewish Studies

Capper with dates


Craig Kolman