History Hub
From Faculty Host Nicole Barnes:
"We are all writers. And our minds are daily besieged by myriad demands that either fracture our attention or command our energy, or both. It can help to build some accountability for writing into your work week, and I’m here to offer just that.
With the generous support of the History Hub (for tasty snacks), I’m convening a Write On Site (WOS) group this semester, and I warmly welcome you to join us! Whatever you are writing, be it a grant proposal or an article manuscript or a chapter for your honors thesis/dissertation/book or letters of recommendation or pre-writing such as notes on sources or ideas on the page, it all counts as writing, and you can do it in community.
Who: All people who write! This means you.
Why: Because we love to create, but our creations don’t come from nowhere. Sometimes we need support.
A Write On Site group is a way of increasing accountability for the demanding task of writing by holding space for silent, SMART writing: Specific (targeted writing goal, articulated with specific action words); Measurable (you just have 50 minutes so be precise!); Achievable (get realistic with yourself); Relevant (no scrolling TikTok please!); and Time-Bound (50/10 in our case, though another common pattern is 25/5).
I ask that you:
History Hub