Phil Stern has been awarded a New Directions Fellowship from the Mellon Foundation for his project, “Visualizing Sovereignty in the Colonial World.” The Mellon New Directions Fellowship is designed to assist scholars in the humanities to acquire training outside their own areas of specialty, in order to support interdisciplinary work and a long-term research agenda. Phil's research, which involves various projects in geography, urban studies, and data and text visualization and digital mapping, seeks… read more about Stern Wins Mellon New Directions Fellowship - Visualizing Soverignty in the Colonial World »
Bill Reddy's most recent book -- The Making of Romantic Love -- has won the 2012 Pinkney Prize. This prize is awarded by the Society for French Historical Studies for the best book of the year in French History. Relying on a wealth of recent research into the social and cultural history of the lay aristocracy in the period, Reddy is able to show that courtly love smoothly integrated existing aristocratic values, and permitted aristocrats to legitimate at least some sexual practices long… read more about Reddy Wins 2012 Pinkney Prize »
Ed Balleisen, along with Duke Law Professors Jonathan Wiener and Kim Krawiec, and Duke environmental economist Lori Bennear, have won a major grant from the Smith Richardson Foundation to support their interdisciplinary research project, "Recalibrating Risk: Crises, Perceptions, and Regulatory Change." This project involves case studies of regulatory responses to three types of crises – nuclear accidents, major offshore oil… read more about Balleisen wins Smith Richard Foundation Grant to Study Regulatory Change »
Phil Stern has won the Trevor Reese Memorial Prize for his bookThe Company-State: Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundations of the British Empire in India, published by Oxford University Press in 2011. This prize, offered every three years by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, is awarded for that book judged to make a "wide-ranging, innovative and scholarly contribution in the broadly-defined field of Imperial and Commonwealth History." The current award covers works… read more about Phil Stern Wins Trevor Reese Memorial Prize »